Friday, December 20, 2013

Krista and her Loves (December 2013)

I meet a lot of people doing what I do. I started working with Krista at a veterinary clinic in 2013. It was very clear right away that she was a very sweet and compassionate person and cared deeply for her pets, as well as her patients. If you've ever had the privilege of meeting her, you know she is a lot of fun to be around. She asked me to photograph her and her two boys for the Holidays. I had to jump at that chance!

She has two handsome pit bulls named Tank and Batman. You can't help but fall in love with their squishy faces! Working in a vet clinic, I see a lot of dogs! I have to say that pit bulls, are by FAR one of my top two favorite breeds! (Boxers are my first.. Sssh! Don't tell the pitties!) They are sweet, hilarious and full of energy. I AM that crazy person that will run up to a pit bull owner and ask to pet their cutie.

I know it was a while back Krista, but it was a ton of fun photographing you guys!

(Tip: Viewing blog posts from different computers and phones may make these photos seem blurry. If you click on them, they will become larger and come into focus. You're welcome!)
These boys were so very interested in their surroundings! I knew I had my work cut out for me when we started out the session and I was jumping around and making noises like a lunatic. Hey! I guess it's pretty similar photographing dogs and children! ;-)   But at least Krista looks great! 

I am sure I embarrassed them... But I couldn't help it!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Renee, Chris & Brian (December 2013)

I met Renee in school during our Veterinary Assistant program. I was pretty excited to meet her new guy and his handsome little one, and also I couldn't wait to photograph them! They are clearly a happy bunch.

Nowadays, they are married, and have moved out of AZ. It's a bummer that I haven't seen her in a while, but it's great to see that they have still been doing well.

Miss you Renee!

(Tip: Viewing blog posts from different computers and phones may make these photos seem blurry. If you click on them, they will become larger and come into focus. You're welcome!)

I love the old buildings in Downtown Tucson. I can never get enough brick! And these guys look great in front of it! ;-)

So little Brian is a cowboy who specializes in protecting the world from Zombies. Oh and he also does not approve of the kissing. Ha!

Look at this cutie! He's making sure to kill the zombies behind me so I am safe while taking his photo.

Sweet...  <3

Well I think someone is bound to be a heart-breaker!

This boy loves his Dad!

Oh did I forget to mention that Brian is also Superman! He's the real deal...

I can never resist a silhouette!